December 22, 2008

Because "Legend of Zelda" homages are AWESOME!


Another Nintendo tribute there in Un'Goro Crater aims at one of the major gaming icons the company has. Anyone who has ever played on an NES, SNES, Gameboy, Gamecube, Nintendo DS, or the Wii has at least heard of the "Legend of Zelda."

Here in Marshall's Refuge you can find a cloaked, hooded gnome by the name of Linken. He is a part of a lengthy quest chain that is a total tribute to the Legend of Zelda game. The chain actually doesn't start with Linken. In order to start the chain, you need to find a sunken boat at this location. Finding the pack there opens up a quest called "It's a Secret to Everyone."

For any Legend of Zelda fan, this is a must-do quest chain. It is definitely worth all the flying around the entire world you'll have to do to finish it.

If you go through the lengthy quest, you'll eventually be able to get "Linken's Sword of Mastery" and "Linken's Boomerang."

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